The dotcom hype
The year 1998 was characterised by the upswing in e-commerce. There was a real “dotcom hype” on the stock markets. At times, the stock market lacked a realistic view of the actual prospects of the “digital business”. No sooner had it begun than the steep upswing in e-commerce on the international markets was over again in 2001. Drastic falls in the share prices of companies specialising in e-commerce led to a rapid decline and a wave of redundancies and bankruptcies among the previously highly acclaimed “dotcoms”. The list of failures was long – economists rightly asked themselves: “Much ado about nothing”?

Despite teething troubles: Internet-based business processes become a model for success
Today we know that the premature swan song for the new forms of internet-based business processes was completely unfounded, despite the apparently considerable start-up problems. First and foremost, the bursting of the dotcom bubble claimed the lives of companies that had no plausible business models, insufficient liquidity or were simply poorly managed. The failure of many e-commerce companies was also not least the result of a classic early start and therefore the opposite of the often invoked “first mover advantage”.
Into the next decade with investment partners, passion and expertise
Thanks to the stable participation of Uzin Utz AG as an established industrial company, artiso solutions GmbH was able to successfully master the phase of economic restraint in the 00s and begin to sustainably exploit the potential of the Internet and customised software itself. Over the past 30 years, we have become an innovative and family-run company. But in addition to these attributes, it is above all our employees who give their best for change every day with passion, motivation and extensive knowledge. This innovative corporate culture is directly reflected by our customers and partners and is clearly noticeable for everyone! With this culture, we not only want to live our enthusiasm for innovative software solutions, but also continue our 30-year success story.