30 years of artiso: With passion to success
2021 is a very special year for artiso solutions GmbH. We are celebrating our 30th anniversary. Founded on 17 May 1991, we are now an established software company. What began in the student digs of Volker Rath and Thomas Schissler has become a success story thanks to our dedicated employees.

Always one step ahead
For Volker Rath, Managing Director of artiso solutions GmbH, the anniversary year confirms the correctness of the chosen course and strategy. “30 years in the market not only testify to reliability, but also confirm the creativity of the entire team. It is important for our growth and our success that we constantly reinvent ourselves and are always one step ahead of economic and technical change with innovative products,” summarises Volker Rath. “After all, we have been experiencing constant change in the software industry since the company was founded. In the coming weeks and months, we want to share the experiences, adventures and anecdotes from 30 years of change with companions, customers and interested parties in regular articles and also celebrate them appropriately.” So it’s worth taking a look at our communication channels from time to time.