Future technologies for care – our research projects at a glance

AI-based reminder assistance
With mind-by.care, everyday life becomes easier for carers and senior citizens, as reminders and notes can be managed by voice – hands-free and uncomplicated.
Technical assistants are often too complex for older people and take up valuable time for carers who would rather spend more time with their patients. mind-by.care offers a simple, intuitive solution that is specially tailored to the needs of older people and care staff. Instead of having to laboriously write everything down, reminders and notes can simply be recorded or called up by voice. Operation is completely hands-free and simply by voice.
Whether it’s daily reminders for meals or taking medication on time – mind-by.care makes everyday life easier for both senior citizens and carers. Carers can manage reminders, add notes and send notifications to their patients to ensure that no important tasks are overlooked. This helps to minimise risks such as incorrect medication administration or the development of pressure sores and improve the quality of care.
With mind-by.care, valuable time is saved so that carers can concentrate more on the essentials: personalised patient care – while maintaining a consistently high quality of service.

Intelligent fall detection
stand-by.care – the smart, invisible emergency detection system. Our solution discreetly monitors everyday life and automatically notifies carers and relatives in the event of unusual activities. This allows senior citizens to live safely and independently at home.
What if you can no longer call for help? – Conventional emergency assistants are complicated to use or are not used by older people at all. Our innovative solution for intelligent emergency detection is different: it integrates seamlessly into everyday life so that both senior citizens and their relatives can rest easy.
Instead of relying on complex technology, our emergency detection works unobtrusively in the background by monitoring activity patterns in everyday life. As soon as anything unusual is detected, relatives or carers are notified immediately so that they can react quickly in an emergency. No manual intervention is required – detection is automatic and discreet.
This technology enables older people to live safely and independently in their own homes without feeling that they are being watched. At the same time, it offers relatives and carers the security of knowing that action will be taken quickly in an emergency. This can significantly reduce the risk of serious consequences in the event of falls or other emergency situations and maintain a high quality of life even in old age.
Honoured at the DATIpilot Innovation Sprint
In February 2024, ‘stand-by.care’ achieved significant success as part of the DATIpilot Innovation Sprint. The project was selected from around 3,000 applications and impressed the jury with its innovative, user-friendly solution. In collaboration with Prof Dr Johannes Schobel from HNU and artiso solutions GmbH, ‘stand-by.care’ was one of 150 projects to qualify for the next funding phase. The funding will enable the solution to be further developed and put into practice – a further step towards making the lives of older people safer and more self-determined.

AI-based knowledge assistant
rag.care supports carers with an AI-supported knowledge database. This gives you quick access to important information, protocols and care instructions at any time – always at the right time, in the right place and in the carer’s native language.
Shortage of skilled labour in the care sector’ is a frequent headline in the daily press. What’s more, nursing staff change frequently due to shift schedules, illness and staff shortages. This not only poses an organisational challenge, but also affects the continuity of patient care. In order to support new employees and quickly answer questions from relatives, rag.care offers a solution without disclosing confidential personal data.
rag.care ensures that the right information is available in the right place at the right time – even in the native language of the respective carer. Carers can access up-to-date information, protocols and care instructions at any time, ensuring seamless care regardless of staff changes. This not only improves processes, but also the quality of care.
As a reference work for professional carers and laypersons. Having knowledge and files available quickly and directly in your own native language is our goal – rag.care provides support with the right knowledge for everyone who cares for those in need of care. This allows carers and relatives to spend more time caring for patients while maintaining a consistently high standard of quality.