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New Work at artiso – an interview with Agile Coach Miriam Lerch

Miriam Lerch and Christopher Batke from GundWERK in the podcast series “New Work monthly” on 25 July 2023

In this interview, Miriam gives us an insight into the world of New Work and agile working. Among other things, she talks about her special model as an employed agile coach at artiso and her diverse part-time work. It’s about the difference between work and creating meaning, as well as the thesis “Work doesn’t just cost energy, work can also give you energy!”.

The second part of the interview presents practical examples of self-organisation and agile working methods at artiso, which deal with principles, travel costs and individual learning time (from 0:18:00, to 0:57:40).

What do “agile” and “self-organised” mean in concrete terms at artiso? Among other things, there are also exciting insights into the special form of customer orientation. Using the topic of “travelling costs”, Miriam explains why principles make more sense in New Work cultures than rigid rules, although principles also come at a price. In addition, the exciting topic of learning times is dealt with and the transfer of knowledge and experience within the company is taken a step further. What will professional learning look like in the future?

We would like to thank Miriam Lerch and Christopher Batke from GundWERK for the inspiring interview. It shows us once again how important it is to continuously develop the world of work and break new ground.

If you are curious to find out more about artiso and New Work, listen to the full interview in the podcast series “New Work monthly” from 25 July 2023!